Tag: art

Milli Saraylar Resim Müzesi

Milli Saraylar Resim Müzesi

Dolmabahçe’den Beşiktaş’a her ne hikmetse hep arabayla, hep bir yerlere yetişme koşuşturması içinde, korkunç bir trafiğin içinde geçmişimdir ve her geçişimde de “Resim Müzesi” okunu görmüş, bir gün buradan yürürsem gezeyim şu müzeyi demişimdir… İstanbul’da “hadi geçerken şuraya da uğrayayım” planının bir hülyadan öteye geçemediğini anladığımda, sonunda gizemli “Resim Müzesi” okunun götürdüğü yere özel bir ziyaret yapmaya karar verdim ve İstanbul’un en mucizevi müzesini keşfettim. Mucizevi diyorum ısrarla, çünkü, o küçük “Resim Müzesi” yazan ok, adeta Alis’i Harikalar Diyarı’na çeken beyaz tavşan gibi, insanı Beşiktaş’ın o bitmek bilmez karmaşasından koparıyor; sadece şırıl şırıl su seslerinin duyulduğu, bembeyaz ördeklerin gezindiği, yemyeşil bir iç avluya yönlendiriyor… Müzeye girmeden...
Who is Inside You?

Who is Inside You?

I am celebrating autumn and changing of weather and İstanbul Modern is hosting a new exhibition after MACK, that you shouldn’t miss at all: İnci Eviner Retrospective in İstanbul Modern, ‘’Who Is Inside You?’’. The beautiful ambiance of İstanbul Modern, right on the Bosphorus, helps you to get out of this heavy mood and enlightens you with Northern breeze, coming down from the Black Sea. Who is İnci Eviner by the way? Born in Polatlı, Ankara in 1956, Eviner, graduated from Fine Arts Academy in İstanbul in 1980 and opened her first solo exhibition in 1986. There is a really long list of her activities, exhibitions and artistic presence in this link: http://www.incieviner.net/en/cv.html But the best way to get to know her, is to go and visit this incredibly rich retrospective in I...
Angry Panda in Galata

Angry Panda in Galata

Last week I had a nice walk around Galata for a couple of hours. I have always loved that part of our city. When I was at school, I sometimes skipped classes and went there for a walk, dreaming about the past. Still doing it but this time there is no school to skip! Anyway, I am one of those who have a kind of ‘’love and hate’’ relationship with Istanbul. I had moments when I strongly wished for leaving her and move to another place. But she, Istanbul, always knew how to convince me to stay here and not to leave her. I had my ups and downs in this bloody relationship. But here is my last word: I am staying here forever! Well, I am writing this, because it was one of those spiritually bumpy days when I had my little walk in Galata, and came across with these guys, smoking their cig...